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clover waiter pad app

Reduce mistakes

Waiter pads - speed up order taking, improve efficiency and reduce mistakes and complaints

Our electronic waiter pads with eatPOS tableside ordering software allow your staff to take orders and payments at a customer’s table.

Our waiter pads can operate offline, just like the eatPOS EPOS system and also sync automatically with the eatPOS cloud. When you take an order on one waiter pad, it automatically and silently updates with the other waiter pads and your eatPOS EPOS system.

eatPOS waiter pads will also print in seconds, wirelessly, to your printers to speed up preparation times.

eatPOS waiter tablets also allow you to take payments at the customer’s table without any extra hardware!

Full eatPOS EPOS functionality

Full eatPOS EPOS functionality, including modifiers, meal deals, Z-reports, payments and much more.

Take payments at the table

Take payments at a customer’s table, by either cash or credit card.

Easy staff management

Manage your staff with ease and assign login PINs and permissions from anywhere in the world.

Instant sync

Using our instant sync technologies, eatPOS waiter pads are automatically sync’d with each other, your EPOS system and the eatPOS cloud to ensure orders can be seen and edited across all devices.

Special requests

Take special requests with and place customised notes on customer orders, item-wise, or for the entire order. With eatPOS EPOS waiter pads, you have the full flexibility of taking an order by hand, with the speed and efficiency of an electronic system.

Two layouts

Two easy to use layouts, switch easily between the full landscape layout and a simplified portrait layout, depending on what the operator prefers.

Great POS EPOS systems - train and start taking orders in under 10 minutes